Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

An Enlightened Master is like a boat taking you from the bank of forms to the formless.

External practices can be helpful, but a seeker focuses on practising inwardness.

Ready-made answers do not help you grow. Based on Satsang, cultivate your own discretion.

Extend your love and expand your family to include all.

Do you love yourself? Then, without complaints, anxiety, impatience, distress & insistence, patiently wait for the grace to flow.

For a seeker, discipline is pleasure, not pressure and pain.

Your mother gives you eyes to see the world. The Guru, the divine mother, gives you vision to see beyond.

Spiritual growth is not just outer horizontal growth but inner vertical growth - a paradigm shift in your beliefs and responses.

Festivals are like wake up calls to work for your spiritual welfare, not just moments to rejoice & go back to sleep.

#SadguruWhispers To love the Guru is to love what He loves, the Self.