Quotes on Guru


Like Lord Krishna was to Arjun, a navigating Guru is enough to make you win the war against delusion.

How can a disciple, tied to Guru Ajna, not soar to great spiritual heights in the inner skies? He is sure to fly high.

Everyday, raise your spiritual height by immersing yourself in Guru Ajna, through which vices diminish and virtues flourish.

Venerate the magnificent inner state of the Guru radiating through His eyes and attitude.

Experience your ego diminishing in the presence of the Guru.

Listening to the glorious virtues of the Sadguru is more spiritually beneficial than any form of penance or austerity.

The seeker has a deep need and is ready to pay any price. He shows no excuses but surrenders to the Guru.

The Guru is like a mirror. Looking at Him turns your focus towards your pure and powerful self.

Internalising the words that arise from the Guru's inner silence brings stillness within the disciple.

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