Quotes on Virtue


Sensitivity and softness towards others are the virtues of the wise ones.

Everyday, raise your spiritual height by immersing yourself in Guru Ajna, through which vices diminish and virtues flourish.

Listening to the glorious virtues of the Sadguru is more spiritually beneficial than any form of penance or austerity.

Courage is an essential virtue for a seeker, as the inward journey is unknown and unfamiliar.

Sadguru is a powerhouse who puts value in values and helps you transform them into virtues.

Invoke the power to discern between virtues and vices - to remove the vices and be enriched with virtues.

The Guru's company is like the sun that dries up mud-like passions and blossoms lotus-like virtues.

Of many virtues of the Enlightened Master, Self-abidance trumps them all.

Recognise a Saint by His divine virtues, not His name, form, religion or sect, as He has no identification with the body.

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