One-Day Advanced Sadhana Bhatti, Dharampur
Tue, 01 Apr 2025
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Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Hospital
The 5 S Programme
Through intensive shibirs, Pujya Gurudevshri shows us how to imbibe spirituality into our daily lives and experience pure joy. Numerous people worldwide are benefitting from these workshops, which touch the inner core and unlock the doors to bliss.
To realise the Self, meditate upon the Enlightened One.
Paryushan Parva, a golden opportunity to seek forgiveness for the hurt we have knowingly or unknowingly caused to others and the... #compassion#dharma#enlightened ones#love
Paryushan Parva, a golden opportunity to seek forgiveness for the hurt we have knowingly or unknowingly caused to others and the... compassiondharmaenlightened oneslove
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extra... #devotion#goal setting#grace#pujya gurudevshri#purpose of life#sadguru#surrender
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extra... devotiongoal settinggracepujya gurudevshripurpose of lifesadgurusurrender
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extra... #pujya gurudevshri#sadguru#spiritual growth
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extra... pujya gurudevshrisadguruspiritual growth
Dreamers are many, but few can actually materialise what they have envisaged. While many lose it in being too optimistic or pe... #pujya gurudevshri#sadguru#spiritual growth
Dreamers are many, but few can actually materialise what they have envisaged. While many lose it in being too optimistic or pe... pujya gurudevshrisadguruspiritual growth
Truth is multidimensional. Anekantvada or Non-Absolutism, one of the three fundamental tenets of Jainism, teaches that the rea... #pujya gurudevshri#sadguru#spiritual growth
Truth is multidimensional. Anekantvada or Non-Absolutism, one of the three fundamental tenets of Jainism, teaches that the rea... pujya gurudevshrisadguruspiritual growth
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of ext... #pujya gurudevshri#sadguru#spiritual growth
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of ext... pujya gurudevshrisadguruspiritual growth
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extr... #pujya gurudevshri#sadguru#spiritual growth
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extr... pujya gurudevshrisadguruspiritual growth
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extra... #pujya gurudevshri#sadguru#satsang#spiritual growth#spirituality
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extra... pujya gurudevshrisadgurusatsangspiritual growthspirituality
Like a thread that passes through the pearls, binding them together into a beautiful necklace, the underlying factor beneath ... #devotion#faith#god#love#sadguru#surrender
Like a thread that passes through the pearls, binding them together into a beautiful necklace, the underlying factor beneath ... devotionfaithgodlovesadgurusurrender
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extra... #enlightment#pujya gurudevshri
Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest of extra... enlightmentpujya gurudevshri
26th September… A magical date, the thought of which instantly elevates many hearts across the globe. Yes, it is the day Puj... #enlightenment#pujya gurudevshri
26th September… A magical date, the thought of which instantly elevates many hearts across the globe. Yes, it is the day Puj... enlightenmentpujya gurudevshri