Advanced Sadhana Bhatti (Meditation Retreat) - Sakshi Dhyan, Dharampur
Wed, 05 Mar - Fri, 07 Mar 2025
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Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Hospital
The 5 S Programme
Through intensive shibirs, Pujya Gurudevshri shows us how to imbibe spirituality into our daily lives and experience pure joy. Numerous people worldwide are benefitting from these workshops, which touch the inner core and unlock the doors to bliss.
In spirituality, 'why' is more important than âhowâ. A clear purpose brings passion and sets priorities in life.
The eyes have long been celebrated as “windows of the soul.” Gaze into another’s eyes and experience a dissolution of yo... #awareness#meditation#moment#negativity#noise
The eyes have long been celebrated as “windows of the soul.” Gaze into another’s eyes and experience a dissolution of yo... awarenessmeditationmomentnegativitynoise
An exercise to silence the mind Check whether what you speak is worthwhile. Each time you speak today, go back to th... #awareness#focus#meditation#speak#words
An exercise to silence the mind Check whether what you speak is worthwhile. Each time you speak today, go back to th... awarenessfocusmeditationspeakwords
Empty yourself like an open bowl and feel the Sadguru pour His Grace into you Simply take a deep breath, gently sit in ... #breathe#grace#guru#love#meditation
Empty yourself like an open bowl and feel the Sadguru pour His Grace into you Simply take a deep breath, gently sit in ... breathegracegurulovemeditation
Have you ever felt so angry that you never want to talk to a person again for hurting your sentiments? Here’s an effective w... #anger#love#meditation#negativity
Have you ever felt so angry that you never want to talk to a person again for hurting your sentiments? Here’s an effective w... angerlovemeditationnegativity
Do your emotions get the better of you? Are you hit by attacks of anger? Do you want to get rid of this? Try this simple exp... #anger#meditation#mood#witness
Do your emotions get the better of you? Are you hit by attacks of anger? Do you want to get rid of this? Try this simple exp... angermeditationmoodwitness
Mindfulness is a state of increased awareness and can be developed by various activities. As you go about noting down your thoug... #awareness#creativity#meditation#mindfulness#routine
Mindfulness is a state of increased awareness and can be developed by various activities. As you go about noting down your thoug... awarenesscreativitymeditationmindfulnessroutine
Let us express our gratitude at His Lotus Feet for all the wonderful blessings that He has showered upon us. Let us experience... #blessings#hope#meditation#transformation
Let us express our gratitude at His Lotus Feet for all the wonderful blessings that He has showered upon us. Let us experience... blessingshopemeditationtransformation
We may be open to receiving advice from another, but we seldom turn to our own self for guidance. The Mirror Exercise is based... #guidance#meditation#mirror#self-care#self-love
We may be open to receiving advice from another, but we seldom turn to our own self for guidance. The Mirror Exercise is based... guidancemeditationmirrorself-careself-love
Listen to your own self and discover what it has to say If you want to discover your inner voice - now, at this moment of you... #life#meditation#noise
Listen to your own self and discover what it has to say If you want to discover your inner voice - now, at this moment of you... lifemeditationnoise
By inculcating mindfulness the simple routine of having tea can become a means to bring our attention within. Let us enrich our ... #focus#meditation#moment
By inculcating mindfulness the simple routine of having tea can become a means to bring our attention within. Let us enrich our ... focusmeditationmoment
Learn to be an observer of the world and your own actions through this simple meditation exercise An Enlightened One is... #awareness#being#meditation#observer
Learn to be an observer of the world and your own actions through this simple meditation exercise An Enlightened One is... awarenessbeingmeditationobserver
Have you ever wondered how some people are always able to remain happy, no matter what happens? Try this experiment and see ho... #feelings#happiness#meditation
Have you ever wondered how some people are always able to remain happy, no matter what happens? Try this experiment and see ho... feelingshappinessmeditation
Let us learn how we can cultivate awareness and turn within with the help of sound We are surrounded by sounds of ... #awareness#listening#meditation
Let us learn how we can cultivate awareness and turn within with the help of sound We are surrounded by sounds of ... awarenesslisteningmeditation
The blessed occasion of Gurupurnima gives devotees a chance to express their deepest gratefulness towards their beloved Sadguru.... #affirmation#gratitude#meditation#sadguru
The blessed occasion of Gurupurnima gives devotees a chance to express their deepest gratefulness towards their beloved Sadguru.... affirmationgratitudemeditationsadguru
Discover how a few minutes of silent contemplation in the morning and carrying the 4 bhavnas with you through the day can brin... #contemplation#meditation#practise
Discover how a few minutes of silent contemplation in the morning and carrying the 4 bhavnas with you through the day can brin... contemplationmeditationpractise
A true seeker is one who, in spite of his weaknesses, never gets disheartened. He learns the art of combating inner enemies, battl... #action plan#awareness#weakness
A true seeker is one who, in spite of his weaknesses, never gets disheartened. He learns the art of combating inner enemies, battl... action planawarenessweakness
Here’s a way to unload your mind off the day’s events and associations, and relax before you sleep When you are ready ... #awareness#meditation#mindfulness
Here’s a way to unload your mind off the day’s events and associations, and relax before you sleep When you are ready ... awarenessmeditationmindfulness
Each day is a blessing, a gift from the Divine. Forget your worries, calm down and open your heart to this wonderful day. Love you... #gratitude#love#meditation#mindfulness
Each day is a blessing, a gift from the Divine. Forget your worries, calm down and open your heart to this wonderful day. Love you... gratitudelovemeditationmindfulness
Present moment awareness involves monitoring and attending to current experiences rather than dwelling in the past or predicting f... #awareness#meditation#mindfulness
Present moment awareness involves monitoring and attending to current experiences rather than dwelling in the past or predicting f... awarenessmeditationmindfulness
Writing your thoughts and activities on a daily basis helps engineer spiritual progress. Journaling gives you the opportunity to ... #awareness#meditation#mindfulness
Writing your thoughts and activities on a daily basis helps engineer spiritual progress. Journaling gives you the opportunity to ... awarenessmeditationmindfulness