One-Day Advanced Sadhana Bhatti, Dharampur
Tue, 01 Apr 2025
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Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Hospital
The 5 S Programme
Through intensive shibirs, Pujya Gurudevshri shows us how to imbibe spirituality into our daily lives and experience pure joy. Numerous people worldwide are benefitting from these workshops, which touch the inner core and unlock the doors to bliss.
The Guru is like a mirror; gazing at Him directs your focus inward.
Jignasha Mehta, regional head of Divinetouch Europe and Australia, head of Shrimad Rajchandra Divinetouch, London, and a teach... #compassion#grace#grateful#guru#spiritual growth
Jignasha Mehta, regional head of Divinetouch Europe and Australia, head of Shrimad Rajchandra Divinetouch, London, and a teach... compassiongracegratefulguruspiritual growth
Sarvarpit Shreyance Shah, a member of the Steering Committee of the Mission and a part of the Sadguru Prerna Core Team inks ho... #devotion#faith#guidance#love#surrender
Sarvarpit Shreyance Shah, a member of the Steering Committee of the Mission and a part of the Sadguru Prerna Core Team inks ho... devotionfaithguidancelovesurrender
Pujya Gurudevshri, like an expert sculptor, chisels seekers to enhance their virtues and chip away their flaws. Atmarpit Prati... #devotion#love#renunciation#surrender#transformation
Pujya Gurudevshri, like an expert sculptor, chisels seekers to enhance their virtues and chip away their flaws. Atmarpit Prati... devotionloverenunciationsurrendertransformation
O Master! Every morning, when the gates of darkness open, I see You O Friend! standing at the portal. May it be a day of j... #connection#lord#love#prayer
O Master! Every morning, when the gates of darkness open, I see You O Friend! standing at the portal. May it be a day of j... connectionlordloveprayer
O Master! I do not ask for Your protection in times of difficulty, I pray for fearlessness while facing them. I do not ... #fearless#prayer#spirit#strength
O Master! I do not ask for Your protection in times of difficulty, I pray for fearlessness while facing them. I do not ... fearlessprayerspiritstrength
O Master! My soul is suffering from the poison of worldliness. In this world, everything is transient and ephemeral. Wealt... #compassion#ego#prayer#temporary
O Master! My soul is suffering from the poison of worldliness. In this world, everything is transient and ephemeral. Wealt... compassionegoprayertemporary
O Master! It is enough for me to have You in my life. O Lord! I need nothing more than You. While every moment of this life... #dream#guide#gurudev#prayer
O Master! It is enough for me to have You in my life. O Lord! I need nothing more than You. While every moment of this life... dreamguidegurudevprayer
O Lord! You seem so far. Like sky you seem unfathomable, yet I know that one- day, I will surely fathom You. I have faith th... #divine#faith#grace#love#prayer
O Lord! You seem so far. Like sky you seem unfathomable, yet I know that one- day, I will surely fathom You. I have faith th... divinefaithgraceloveprayer
O Lord! I let go of all my plans and objectives, my desires and hopes. And, I accept Your will for me. To be Yours forever, ... #life#love#prayer
O Lord! I let go of all my plans and objectives, my desires and hopes. And, I accept Your will for me. To be Yours forever, ... lifeloveprayer
O Master! Wallowing in ego, I have always disregarded You. I scattered my love in the world and simply squandered it away. ... #ego#faith#journey#prayer
O Master! Wallowing in ego, I have always disregarded You. I scattered my love in the world and simply squandered it away. ... egofaithjourneyprayer
O Master! I have wandered since eternity. Blinded by delusion, I determined the nature of reality either driven by the majo... #confusion#divinity#doubts#eternity#prayer
O Master! I have wandered since eternity. Blinded by delusion, I determined the nature of reality either driven by the majo... confusiondivinitydoubtseternityprayer
O Master! Let this flute always remember that it is an inert, lifeless, and empty piece of wood. The music flowing out o... #devotion#egoless#prayer#surrender
O Master! Let this flute always remember that it is an inert, lifeless, and empty piece of wood. The music flowing out o... devotionegolessprayersurrender
O Master! Despite of the roaring sea of ego, howling wind of delusion, burning inferno of faults, I continued sleeping in t... #ego#gratitude#humane#ignorance#self-will
O Master! Despite of the roaring sea of ego, howling wind of delusion, burning inferno of faults, I continued sleeping in t... egogratitudehumaneignoranceself-will
Atmarpit Nishitji, offering seva in Sadguru Prerna – the Ashram’s Master Planning Project and the Ashram Committee, relives ... #expectations#grace#guru#religion#transformation
Atmarpit Nishitji, offering seva in Sadguru Prerna – the Ashram’s Master Planning Project and the Ashram Committee, relives ... expectationsgracegurureligiontransformation
O Master! Today You have given me many comforts and pleasures, But tomorrow You may take them away. Today You have give... #arrogance#grateful#intelligence#purpose
O Master! Today You have given me many comforts and pleasures, But tomorrow You may take them away. Today You have give... arrogancegratefulintelligencepurpose
O Master! Without You I cannot find solace anywhere in the world. As though You don’t know this? Then, having shown th... #god#happiness#infinity#life#love
O Master! Without You I cannot find solace anywhere in the world. As though You don’t know this? Then, having shown th... godhappinessinfinitylifelove
O Master! I put my mind at Your Lotus Feet. Do whatever You wish to do with it. It has always been busy thinking about wor... #compassion#enlighten#prayer#realisation#understanding
O Master! I put my mind at Your Lotus Feet. Do whatever You wish to do with it. It has always been busy thinking about wor... compassionenlightenprayerrealisationunderstanding
The Sadguru continuously showers the disciple with gifts to ensure his spiritual progress. Sarvarpit Vishal Gandhi, offering seva ... #inspiration#personal experience#sadguru#spiritual growth#spirituality
The Sadguru continuously showers the disciple with gifts to ensure his spiritual progress. Sarvarpit Vishal Gandhi, offering seva ... inspirationpersonal experiencesadguruspiritual growthspirituality
O Lord! You came to my doorstep and asked in alms, my old and worn out beliefs. You have blessed me infinitely by taking aw... #faith#prayer#sadguru
O Lord! You came to my doorstep and asked in alms, my old and worn out beliefs. You have blessed me infinitely by taking aw... faithprayersadguru
O Lord! I have come to You with a small capital of love, please turn it into wealth of pure devotion. Remove all expectati... #dispassion#ego#god#prayer#surrender
O Lord! I have come to You with a small capital of love, please turn it into wealth of pure devotion. Remove all expectati... dispassionegogodprayersurrender