Face Your Enemy
Face your enemy with the tool of detached observation and see the challenger leave. A sure-cure practice for a calm, content and... calmnessfreedommindnegativityobserveweakness

Yoga Tailored For All – Asanas for Housewives
The science of Yoga offers asanas and techniques that can be practiced at different times during the day by people from differ... fitnesspain reliefposturetensionyoga

Life Lessons from Dabbawallas
The Dabbawallas deliver food to over 2,00,000 people daily in Mumbai. Through a symbol based system they have achieved nearly ... cultureefficiencygoalsettingteamworkvalues

Love that Liberates
Love is such an energy that if it falls, it is hell and if it rises, it is liberation. Pujya Gurudevshri explains the nature o... desiredevotiondivine unionegointellect

Param Krupalu Dev: As a Householder
Param Krupalu Dev's Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth the hidde... detachmentmarriagerelationsresponsibilityshrimad rajchandrajiyugpurush

Dharma – Philosophy or Experience?
What is dharma? Is it a philosophical exploration of the Truth? Or is it an experience of that which is beyond words and thoug... discontentmentignorancescripturetranscendtruth

Param Krupalu Dev: As a Shatavdhani
Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth th... shrimad rajchandrajiyugpurush

What is True Knowledge?
Hoodwinked by our minds we know the world and ourselves only through our thoughts. Opening a new dimension Pujya Gurudevshri e... attachmentawarenessmindself realisationsilencethoughts

The Calorie Calculation
If you’ve ever thought of losing weight, been involved in your fair share of diet plans and fads, then this article is meant... fitnesshealthmindfulnesswell beingwellness

Eye-Gazing Meditation
The eyes have long been celebrated as “windows of the soul.” Gaze into another’s eyes and experience a dissolution of yo... awarenessmeditationmomentnegativitynoise

Cruising in His Shelter
Pujya Gurudevshri, like an expert sculptor, chisels seekers to enhance their virtues and chip away their flaws. Atmarpit Prati... devotionloverenunciationsurrendertransformation

Excitement or Happiness?
Pujya Gurudevshri explains the science of excitement and throws light on the truth that true happiness lies in the silence of ... desireexcitementexperiencemindfulnesssilence

What is Paryushan?
Paryushan Parva (also known as Paryushan Mahaparva) offers an opportunity to consciously reduce world...

Recognising the Self-Realised
Enlightened Beings are often unrecognised during their life-times, but worshipped after they shed their mortal coil. In honour... conceptignorantprejudicepuritytransformation

Bhagwan Mahavir’s Renunciation
Renunciation is oft condemned as escapism or neglecting one’s duties. Pujyashri Gurudev opens our eyes to a new perspective ... attachmentescapismnaturerenunciationsolitude

Guru – The Alchemist
Pujyashri Gurudev beautifully brings out the many ways in which the Guru transforms the disciple. Commemorating the occasion o... compassionfaithguruinspirationsurrendership

Patrank – 213
Mumbai, Fagan Sud 4, Saturday, 1947 Salutations! Salutations! To The Eternal This world is bewildered by the agony... detachmentenlightened oneliberationlovemisery

Patrank – 194
Mumbai, Posh, 1947 Why has one not found the path? Ponder upon this repeatedly, and when you feel it appropriate, ... devotionfaithguruliberationpath