Home News Striving for Sustainable Future through a Tree Plantation Drive
Striving for Sustainable Future through a Tree Plantation Drive

Striving for Sustainable Future through a Tree Plantation Drive

Under the Consolidated Community Development initiative of Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care, a tree plantation drive was organised across various villages of Dharampur. Enthusiastic participants planted over 200 trees and plants of eight indigenous species. The event began with a group sharing session on the importance of tree plantation, symbolising their commitment to environmental sustainability. Key speakers emphasised the role of trees in combating climate change and enhancing biodiversity. They also provided guidance on how to keep plants safe and the care to be taken during their growth. The primary objective of increasing the villages’ green cover, restoring biodiversity and creating sustainable habitats was achieved through this initiative. The event highlighted Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care’s dedication to environmental conservation through focused actions.

#SadguruWhispers The Enlightened One lives in a witness mode - although present in the world, He is not a participant.