Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

Delete the old recording, 'Why do people make me miserable?' Re-record it as 'I am responsible for my joy and sorrow.'

Relations are precious. Be willing to bend, if you want to treasure them.

Internalising the words that arise from the Guru's inner silence brings stillness within the disciple.

When everyone is committed to fulfilling their duties, the rights of all will naturally be respected.

Your inner state depends on your inner processing of situations, not on external conditions.

Stop masking and pretending you are happy; instead, learn to manage your moods.

Transformation comes from a change in attitude, not in activity.

Acceptance comes naturally to those who are open to respecting different viewpoints.

Creativity emerges from a calm, cheerful and positive mind.

#SadguruWhispers Whether you get favourable or unfavourable situations, resolve to be happy.