Quotes on Friend


Unwavering devotion unto the Guru & friendliness towards all, go hand-in-hand.

See your Guru as a friend & open up to Him. This Divine Friend never judges and guides you to your ultimate good.

Meditation and friendliness manifest together. There cannot be depth in meditation without the virtue of kindliness.

Guru maintains a lovely balance between being a friend and guide to you.

Guru is a true friend who lives with us, within us, in every ups and downs of life.

Fear of failure is the biggest hindrance to success. Face it, embrace it, befriend it to transcend it.

The power of association is such that the friends you have, shows your future.

Guru is such a friend who will not support your ego, worldly desires or wrongdoings, yet you can't stop loving & revering Him.

Glory to Param Krupalu Dev. He removed all the wrong notions for dharma & revealed it as Self-abidance & virtues like friendliness, compassion, etc.

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