Quotes on Peace


You are the abode of peace and bliss. Unaware of this, you beg for them from the world.

This New Year dawns with a new hope of fulfilling your resolutions of going nearer to your pure, peaceful, powerful, blissful nature.

See that day by day, the graph of your inner peace and happiness rises higher and higher.

Satsang will provide you a roadmap to the peace centre within. Walk the path and experience the bliss.

Stay rooted in wisdom. Do not let anything or anyone hijack your peace.

Meditativeness carries a fragrance of peace, joy, love and fearlessness.

The purpose & direction of all your practices, be it charity, austerity, worship or study, are correct when they lead to a pure & peaceful mind.

Profound compositions of Enlightened Ones overflow from their peaceful inner state. Earnest seekers immerse in them & experience the same inner peace.

Material prosperity is having good health, wealth and relationships. Spiritual prosperity is peace, joy and purity.

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