One-Day Advanced Sadhana Bhatti, Dharampur
Sun, 16 Mar 2025
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Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Hospital
The 5 S Programme
Through intensive shibirs, Pujya Gurudevshri shows us how to imbibe spirituality into our daily lives and experience pure joy. Numerous people worldwide are benefitting from these workshops, which touch the inner core and unlock the doors to bliss.
Satsang makes your spiritual journey easy and joyous, while introspection helps transform your values into virtues.
Mumbai, Fagan Sud 4, Saturday, 1947 Salutations! Salutations! To The Eternal This world is bewildered by the agony... #detachment#enlightened one#liberation#love#misery
Mumbai, Fagan Sud 4, Saturday, 1947 Salutations! Salutations! To The Eternal This world is bewildered by the agony... detachmentenlightened oneliberationlovemisery
Mumbai, Posh, 1947 Why has one not found the path? Ponder upon this repeatedly, and when you feel it appropriate, ... #devotion#faith#guru#liberation#path
Mumbai, Posh, 1947 Why has one not found the path? Ponder upon this repeatedly, and when you feel it appropriate, ... devotionfaithguruliberationpath
Bhagwan Mahavirswami, even in the state of a householder, lived like a renunciate. His dispassion was such that it c... #compassion#dispassion#divinity#peace#renunciation
Bhagwan Mahavirswami, even in the state of a householder, lived like a renunciate. His dispassion was such that it c... compassiondispassiondivinitypeacerenunciation
Mumbai, Maah Sud 5, Wednesday, 1948 Since time immemorial the Soul has forgotten its True Nature, therefore the feel... #awareness#desire#detachment#enlightened one#finite
Mumbai, Maah Sud 5, Wednesday, 1948 Since time immemorial the Soul has forgotten its True Nature, therefore the feel... awarenessdesiredetachmentenlightened onefinite
Mumbai, Jeth Sud 8, Tuesday, 1953 Salutations again and again to the Great One who does not have likes, dislikes for a... #enlightened one#equanimous#liberation#non-attached#shri atmasiddhi shastra
Mumbai, Jeth Sud 8, Tuesday, 1953 Salutations again and again to the Great One who does not have likes, dislikes for a... enlightened oneequanimousliberationnon-attachedshri atmasiddhi shastra
Vavania, Bhadarva Sud 9, Thursday, 1951 He who feels joy due to a circumstance, he who feels sad due to a circumstance... #awareness#circumstance#company#event#satsang
Vavania, Bhadarva Sud 9, Thursday, 1951 He who feels joy due to a circumstance, he who feels sad due to a circumstance... awarenesscircumstancecompanyeventsatsang
Mumbai, Jeth Sud 10, Sunday, 1951 The bliss that the Enlightened One experiences is that of abidance in one’s own na... #awareness#bliss#equanimous#karma#possession
Mumbai, Jeth Sud 10, Sunday, 1951 The bliss that the Enlightened One experiences is that of abidance in one’s own na... awarenessblissequanimouskarmapossession
Mumbai, Maah Vad Amas, 1947 ‘Truth’ is not something that is far, but it appears to be far, and this alone is one�... #delusion#enlightened one#inclination#surrender#truth
Mumbai, Maah Vad Amas, 1947 ‘Truth’ is not something that is far, but it appears to be far, and this alone is one�... delusionenlightened oneinclinationsurrendertruth
Mumbai, Fagun Sud 1, 1952 Om Sadguru’s Grace All activities of the Enlightened One are rooted in the supreme truth... #aspirant#bondage#enlightened ones#sadguru#self realisation
Mumbai, Fagun Sud 1, 1952 Om Sadguru’s Grace All activities of the Enlightened One are rooted in the supreme truth... aspirantbondageenlightened onessadguruself realisation
Vavania, Kartak Sud 10, Saturday, 1953 As respected mother’s body has got fever, and since some time she has been hav... #attachment#contemplation#shri atmasiddhi shastra
Vavania, Kartak Sud 10, Saturday, 1953 As respected mother’s body has got fever, and since some time she has been hav... attachmentcontemplationshri atmasiddhi shastra
Nadiad, Aso Vad 10, Saturday, 1952 To the seeker of Self-realisation, practising the path of monkhood Shri Lalluji and ... #contemplation#enlightened ones#patrank#scripture#shri atmasiddhi shastra#shrimad rajchandraji#vachanmrut
Nadiad, Aso Vad 10, Saturday, 1952 To the seeker of Self-realisation, practising the path of monkhood Shri Lalluji and ... contemplationenlightened onespatrankscriptureshri atmasiddhi shastrashrimad rajchandrajivachanmrut
Nadiad, Aso Vad Amas, 1952 Shri Dungar has a wish to memorise “Atmasiddhi”. For that, you asked about giving him th... #enlightenment#patrank#shri atmasiddhi shastra#shrimad rajchandraji#vachanmrut
Nadiad, Aso Vad Amas, 1952 Shri Dungar has a wish to memorise “Atmasiddhi”. For that, you asked about giving him th... enlightenmentpatrankshri atmasiddhi shastrashrimad rajchandrajivachanmrut
Mumbai, Jeth Sud 15, Sunday, 1947 Devotion becomes worthy to attain completeness when there is no request for even a bla... #devotion#enlightenment#stress#witness
Mumbai, Jeth Sud 15, Sunday, 1947 Devotion becomes worthy to attain completeness when there is no request for even a bla... devotionenlightenmentstresswitness
V. S. 1945 The one whose feelings flow uninterrupted; whose thoughts of volition and irresolution have reduced; in whom t... #detachment#patrank#shrimad rajchandraji
V. S. 1945 The one whose feelings flow uninterrupted; whose thoughts of volition and irresolution have reduced; in whom t... detachmentpatrankshrimad rajchandraji
The Great Ones, through whichever name and whatever form have illuminated the ‘Truth’ alone. That alone is worth knowi... #patrank#shrimad rajchandraji#vachanmrut
The Great Ones, through whichever name and whatever form have illuminated the ‘Truth’ alone. That alone is worth knowi... patrankshrimad rajchandrajivachanmrut
Vavania Port, Maha Sud 14, Wednesday, 1945 Salutations to the Enlightened Ones Learned One, You may have received a l... #patrank#shrimad rajchandraji#vachanmrut
Vavania Port, Maha Sud 14, Wednesday, 1945 Salutations to the Enlightened Ones Learned One, You may have received a l... patrankshrimad rajchandrajivachanmrut
Mumbai, Aso Sud 8, Sunday, 1953 Om Salutation to the unfathomable and profound restraint of the Enlightened Ones. Salu... #patrank#shrimad rajchandraji#vachanmrut
Mumbai, Aso Sud 8, Sunday, 1953 Om Salutation to the unfathomable and profound restraint of the Enlightened Ones. Salu... patrankshrimad rajchandrajivachanmrut
Mumbai, Fagan Sud 11, Sunday 1950 Tirthankardev calls indolence (negligence) as karma, and calls absence of indolence a... #patrank#shrimad rajchandraji#vachanmrut
Mumbai, Fagan Sud 11, Sunday 1950 Tirthankardev calls indolence (negligence) as karma, and calls absence of indolence a... patrankshrimad rajchandrajivachanmrut
Vavania, Falgun Sud 9, Sunday, 1945 Salutation to the dispassionate Great Ones Karma is an inert substance. All t... #patrank#shrimad rajchandraji#vachanmrut
Vavania, Falgun Sud 9, Sunday, 1945 Salutation to the dispassionate Great Ones Karma is an inert substance. All t... patrankshrimad rajchandrajivachanmrut
Mumbai Port, Aso Vad 2, Thursday, 1944 Salutation to Bhagwan Parshwanath Dear truth-aspiring brother Ujamsi, Rajnag...