One-Day Advanced Sadhana Bhatti, Dharampur
Sun, 16 Mar 2025
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Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Hospital
The 5 S Programme
Through intensive shibirs, Pujya Gurudevshri shows us how to imbibe spirituality into our daily lives and experience pure joy. Numerous people worldwide are benefitting from these workshops, which touch the inner core and unlock the doors to bliss.
A devoteeâs prayer is always, at all times, in every situation & under all conditions, for inner connection rather than outer comfort.
The science of Yoga offers asanas and techniques that can be practiced at different times during the day by people from differ... #fitness#pain relief#posture#tension#yoga
The science of Yoga offers asanas and techniques that can be practiced at different times during the day by people from differ... fitnesspain reliefposturetensionyoga
The science of Yoga offers asanas and techniques that can be practiced at different times during the day by people from differ... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga foundation
The science of Yoga offers asanas and techniques that can be practiced at different times during the day by people from differ... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga foundation
The human body is a dynamic framework of many complex systems. Any imbalance within this can lead to certain physical and physio... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga foundation
The human body is a dynamic framework of many complex systems. Any imbalance within this can lead to certain physical and physio... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga foundation
The science of Yoga offers asanas and techniques that can be practised to facilitate the holistic development of the mind and ... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga foundation
The science of Yoga offers asanas and techniques that can be practised to facilitate the holistic development of the mind and ... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga foundation
Yoga asanas can become a medium of expressing our reverence towards the Tirthankar Bhagwans. Inspired by the work on Jain Yog... #fitness#health#yoga#yoga foundation#yoga therapy
Yoga asanas can become a medium of expressing our reverence towards the Tirthankar Bhagwans. Inspired by the work on Jain Yog... fitnesshealthyogayoga foundationyoga therapy
Yoga Therapy professes ‘Heyam Dukham Anagatam’, meaning that the physical suffering that is yet to come can be avoided by ... #fitness#health#yoga#yoga foundation#yoga therapy
Yoga Therapy professes ‘Heyam Dukham Anagatam’, meaning that the physical suffering that is yet to come can be avoided by ... fitnesshealthyogayoga foundationyoga therapy
Yoga asanas can become a medium of expressing our reverence towards the Tirthankar Bhagwans. Inspired by the work on Jain Yoga... #fitness#health#yoga#yoga foundation#yoga therapy
Yoga asanas can become a medium of expressing our reverence towards the Tirthankar Bhagwans. Inspired by the work on Jain Yoga... fitnesshealthyogayoga foundationyoga therapy
Yoga asanas can become a medium of expressing our reverence towards the Tirthankar Bhagwans. Inspired by the work on Jain Yoga... #fitness#health#yoga#yoga everyday#yoga therapy
Yoga asanas can become a medium of expressing our reverence towards the Tirthankar Bhagwans. Inspired by the work on Jain Yoga... fitnesshealthyogayoga everydayyoga therapy
In the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, Yogasana is defined as ‘sthiram sukham asanam’. This is a state where one is physically ste... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga foundation
In the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, Yogasana is defined as ‘sthiram sukham asanam’. This is a state where one is physically ste... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga foundation
We tend to see Yogasana merely as a bodily activity, but it’s not just about physical exercise. In the truest sense, a since... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga foundation
We tend to see Yogasana merely as a bodily activity, but it’s not just about physical exercise. In the truest sense, a since... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga foundation
Haven’t we all experienced that slight discomfort in the stomach that makes us feel uneasy, affecting our productivity through... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga foundation
Haven’t we all experienced that slight discomfort in the stomach that makes us feel uneasy, affecting our productivity through... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga foundation
Why do we tend to see people with stiff shoulders or experience the discomfort of it ourselves? Most of the times the culprit is... #yoga
Why do we tend to see people with stiff shoulders or experience the discomfort of it ourselves? Most of the times the culprit is... yoga
Sirsasana, or the Head Stand is the king posture in Yogasana. Many practitioners at first resist trying this asana, but after ma... #yoga
Sirsasana, or the Head Stand is the king posture in Yogasana. Many practitioners at first resist trying this asana, but after ma... yoga
Why is the Adho Mukha Shvanasana such a popular asana in any yogic practise? It’s almost safe to say that every yoga teacher w... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga foundation
Why is the Adho Mukha Shvanasana such a popular asana in any yogic practise? It’s almost safe to say that every yoga teacher w... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga foundation
People from all around the world suffer from migraine, or surely get headaches! The pain tends to spoil our day or mood, not all... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga therapy
People from all around the world suffer from migraine, or surely get headaches! The pain tends to spoil our day or mood, not all... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga therapy
Sometimes after a long day at work or being on the go, we feel stiff and tight at night before sleeping. Or maybe our mind is ra... #fitness#health#well being#yoga#yoga everyday#yoga for flexibility
Sometimes after a long day at work or being on the go, we feel stiff and tight at night before sleeping. Or maybe our mind is ra... fitnesshealthwell beingyogayoga everydayyoga for flexibility