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Watch Them SHINE!

Watch Them SHINE!

In an era of endless chaotic distractions, over 650 teenagers from embarked on a journey to disconnect from the outside and reconnect within at the Spiritualtouch Winter Retreat 2024. This gadget-free retreat took place from 24th to 27th December, enabling all-rounded development of the teenagers, encapsulated in the powerful theme of SHINE.


Retreat participants immersed themselves in serving the rural society of South Gujarat through the project ‘Paint for a Purpose’. Equipped with a purpose to help and a passion to spread love, they rose early in the mornings to change the world for over 800 young hearts. As they served, they experienced the true meaning of compassion and empathy firsthand. The teenagers completed their mission of beautifying four schools and 17 bus stops and returned to the ashram with an invaluable sense of belonging and oneness.


At the specially curated Christmas Carnival, teenagers found a playground to put their learnings to test. With human-sized games and candy galore, the teenagers got cracking at the Winter Maze, the Elf Train, the Jolly Juggle Stack and more! With their divine Santa, Pujya Gurudevshri by their side, they revelled in laughter and cheer, forging unforgettable memories.


The participants gained incredible insights through study sessions like ‘Growth Mindset: Leveraging Failures and Choosing Happiness’, ‘Navigating the Noise: Distractions, Peer Pressure and Addictions’, ‘Befriending Oneself: Power of Self-belief’ and more. These sessions were led by Atmarpits and experienced facilitators. A session on cyber security awareness was facilitated by Ms. Shilpa Chandolikar, Executive Board Member of ‘Responsible Netizens’; an initiative to foster well-being in cyberspace. The session empowered the teenagers to better coexist with technology and to safeguard their interests in the digital age.


The participants engaged in energising yoga during the retreat. As they moved and stretched, they discovered the importance of harmony between spirit and body. Atmarpit Smrutiji led the participants through an empowering session on ‘Love to Shine’, instilling in them the importance of nourishing their mental and emotional well-being.


Teenagers are drawn to excitement. They thrive where there is love. At the retreat, they found both. Cultural nights in the presence of Pujya Gurudevshri were a testament to the bond between them. The participants took this opportunity to share their heartfelt experiences through a performance called ‘Prem Pathshala’ based on their personal stories of grace.

Through a beautiful symphony of culture and music, the Christmas choir deepened their connection with the Divine. 22 children from the Akanksha Foundation joined the Retreat participants in the choir. They were mentored by the renowned duo, Kamakshi and Vishala Khurana, founders of Sound Space India; a one-of-a-kind initiative that uses music to inspire and heal. Two young math prodigies, Jinansh and Shanay Dedhia, inspired and awed the participants through an interactive and dynamic demonstration of mental maths.

Over 250 teenagers participated in the cultural evenings. These performances wove eternal values into their everyday lives. They included ‘Ubuntu: I am because we are’, based on the life of Nelson Mandela; ‘True Greatness’, reinforcing what being great truly means and ‘Kung Fu’, highlighting the importance of having both values and skills and much more. The participants were able to spend invaluable informal moments with the Master.

The Winter Camp: For Teenagers of Dharampur Town

25th December was a magical day with over 850 participants from the Dharampur town at the Winter Camp. The day began with an inspiring session on gratitude and meaningful living. Later, children explored their dreams and overcame fears through interactive worksheets and more. A concluding meditation left many teary-eyed and renewed with passion for 2025.

The Spiritualtouch Winter Retreat 2024 exemplified Param Krupalu Dev’s grace and Pujya Gurudevshri’s vision, inspiring profound transformations in every participant.

#SadguruWhispers Focus on the peace centre within and stay connected to it.