Home Spiritual Activities Satsang Shibirs Satsangs Satsang Shibirs Dharmayatras Swadhyaykar Shibirs Scriptures Expounded Satsang Shibirs “Satsang is the Guru’s invitation to the land of bliss, beyond the duality of mind.” ~ Pujya Gurudevshri ~ Satsang Shibirs or wisdom retreats are held one weekend every month at the Dharampur Ashram. Every year, Pujya Gurudevshri unravels the spiritual treasures from a chosen sacred text, in these retreats. Over the years, texts have belonged to different traditions. Every shibir includes three to four enriching satsangs along with meditation, bhakti and yoga. Natak Samaysaar Pujya Gurudevshri will expound upon the pious text Natak Samaysaar through monthly Shibirs at Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, Dharampur. This literary masterpiece transcends art, exploring timeless themes against the backdrop of its era’s rich cultural and spiritual tapestry. Crafted with linguistic mastery, the poetic drama delves into the essence of time, morality and spirituality, reflecting Banarasidasji’s intellectual acumen and commitment to using art for spiritual wisdom. “Natak Samaysaar” stands as a radiant gem, leaving an indelible mark on India’s literary heritage, guiding readers through a transformative journey of philosophy and devotion. Watch Live Download Granth (PDF) View schedule Come and join this course of study. You are invited to stir your core self and bring a fullness to your life. Benefits Increases Clarity of Thought Awakens Power of Discrimination Transforms your Attitude and Actions Deepens Understanding of the Self Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram Shrimad Rajchandra Marg, Dharampur, Valsad, Gujarat (Directions) Weekend Retreats, once a month Reach: Fri after DinnerLeave: Sun after Lunch Free Entry Registration required Lodging fees as per choice of accommodation Open for all over 12 years of age Parents and caretakers with children are designated a separate area, Kids’ Corner, to view the discourse Upcoming Shibirs Sat, 12 Apr - Sun, 13 Apr Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 3Natak Samaysaar Register Now Sat, 24 May - Sun, 25 May Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 4 Natak Samaysaar Sat, 12 Jul - Sun, 13 Jul Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 5 Natak Samaysaar Wed, 20 Aug - Wed, 27 Aug Mumbai Paryushan MahaparvaPravachans on Shrimad Rajchandra VachanamrutSatsang Shibir - 6Natak Samaysaar Sat, 06 Sep - Sun, 07 Sep Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 7Natak Samaysaar Sun, 19 Oct - Wed, 22 Oct Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 8 (Diwali)Natak Samaysaar Sat, 29 Nov - Sun, 30 Nov Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 9Natak Samaysaar Sun, 28 Dec - Wed, 31 Dec Dharampur Varsh Poornahuti MahotsavSatsang Shibir - 10Natak Samaysaar Wed, 31 Dec - Thu, 01 Jan 2026 Sat, 24 Jan - Mon, 26 Jan Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 1Natak Samaysaar Sat, 14 Feb - Sun, 15 Feb Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 2Natak Samaysaar Sat, 28 Mar - Sun, 29 Mar Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 3Natak Samaysaar Sat, 25 Apr - Sun, 26 Apr Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 4Natak Samaysaar Sat, 23 May - Sun, 24 May Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 5Natak Samaysaar Sat, 27 Jun - Sun, 28 Jun Dharampur Satsang Shibir - 6Natak Samaysaar View All Scriptures Expounded Pujya Gurudevshri’s discourses have revealed the hidden treasures of great texts, from Shri Uttaradhyayan Sutra to Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. Jain Texts Shri Uttaradhyayan Sutra Bhagwan Mahavir’s final sermon offers the essence into the fundamental doctrines of Jainism, packed with narratives that foster spirituality. MORE DETAILS Swayambhustotra Composed by one of the foremost Acharyas from the Jain legacy, Swami Shri Samantbhadracharya, Swayambhustotra is a collection of 24 cherished compositions, one dedicated to each of the 24 Tirthankar Bhagwans. WATCH NOW Shri Simandharswamine Vinantiroop 125 Gathanu Stavan A powerful scripture written by Upadhyayshri Yashovijayji Maharaj in the form of a devotional correspondence with the Lord. Explains the essence of Jain religion with great clarity and simplicity. WATCH NOW Shri Bhaktamar Stotra Recited as a prayer and sung as a hymn, the famous Jain prayer, an ode to Bhagwan Rushabhdeva, was composed by Acharya Manatunga. MORE DETAILS Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra Shrimad Rajchandraji’s epic composition is a spiritual encyclopedia summarising the essence of all scriptures in 142 verses. Yogdrashtisamucchay Illustrating the eight stages of development of the soul on the spiritual journey, this scripture is a Jain jewel. MORE DETAILS LOAD MORE Other Texts Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Pujya Gurudevshri reveals the deep meanings that lay within the immortal dialogue between Shri Krishna and His beloved devotee, Arjuna. MORE DETAILS Kathopanishad Kathopanishad is an extravaganza of spiritual knowledge in the form of a conversation between Nachiketa and Yamraj (God of death). MORE DETAILS Vivekchudamani A poignant dialogue between the Sadguru and the disciple; delivering wisdom from which to discriminate between the real and the unreal. MORE DETAILS Shri Yogavasishtha Maharamayana A prolific text composed by renowned Saint Valmiki, structured as a philosophical dialogue between Sage Vasishtha and Shri Rama. MORE DETAILS Shri Ashtavakra Gita A classic work expounding subtle philosophical truths in the form of a lucid dialogue between Ashtavakra and his disciple King Janak. MORE DETAILS Narad Bhakti Sutra Venerated within the traditions of Hinduism, this text details the process and importance of devotion by well-known sage, Narada. MORE DETAILS Mohmudgar Pujya Gurudevshri thrashes the force of delusion with the inspiring verses of Bhaj Govindam, composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. MORE DETAILS Gangasati's Bhajans Pujya Gangasati, a saint poet of Gujarat, composed highly elevating spiritual folk songs. Every bhajan contains profound teachings on bhakti, grace and the sadguru. MORE DETAILS Paryushan Pravachanmalas The monarch of Jain festivals, Paryushan Mahaparva symbolises the opportunity to converge closer to the true self from all directions. Designed for seekers to accelerate their spiritual progress, Pujya Gurudevshri has augmented the glory of Paryushan Mahaparva. Since 1992, every year, Pujya Gurudevshri selects a specific spiritual topic and reveals its treasures through a series of stirring discourses in Mumbai. Today, thousands world over, especially the youth, unite in forging an experiential bond with the Divine through the Paryushan Mahaparva. Come celebrate this annual spiritual fiesta, revel in the folds of religion, bask in the Master’s presence, and make it an occasion of inner purification. Festivities of Paryushan Satsang Series Snatra Puja Bhakti and Meditation Bhagwan Mahavir’s Janma Celebrations Seeking forgiveness through Samvatsarik Alochana Tapascharya Parna Paryushan Pravachanmalas on Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut Patrank - 903 Dharmanu Yatharth Swaroop MORE DETAILS Patrank - 47 Sadguruthi Dharmanu Rahasya Essence of Religion MORE DETAILS Patrank - 505 Paryushan Mahaparva 2023 USA MORE DETAILS Patrank - 901 Dwadashangino Saar Essence of the Jain Canons MORE DETAILS Patrank - 843 Vitragno Dharma Jayvant Varto May the Dharma of Dispassionate Lords Triumph MORE DETAILS Patrank - 166 Mokshna Sarvottam Karanroop Vachanamrut Beneficial Wisdom for Liberation MORE DETAILS Patrank - 522 Jnanino Samagam Sarje Kalyan Inner Awakening with an Enlightened Master MORE DETAILS Patrank - 454 Satsangni SarthaktaFruition of Satsang MORE DETAILS Patrank - 569 Atmajnanno Yatharth PurusharthRight Effort for Self-Realisation MORE DETAILS Patrank - 37 Sarvasammat DharmaThe Universally Accepted Religion MORE DETAILS Patrank - 128 Paribhramanna PratyakhyanEnd your Transmigration MORE DETAILS Patrank - 135 Samyagdarshanna Lakshano Five Attributes of Self-Realisation MORE DETAILS Patrank - 254 MumukshutaBecoming a True Seeker MORE DETAILS Patrank - 609 Satsangna Yogey Asangpanu Dispassion through Satsang MORE DETAILS Patrank - 656 Samadhidashana UpayThe Means of Samadhi MORE DETAILS Chha Padano Patra (Patrank - 493) Samyagdarshanna Nivasna Sarvotkrusht SthanakSix Fundamental Truths for Self-Realisation MORE DETAILS Satsang Centres Near You Participate in a range of spiritual activities including viewing Pujya Gurudevshri's discourses, and volunteer in social initiatives at a centre near you. Chicago, IL Mitesh & Alpa Kamdar [email protected] +1-847-736-7982 Everyday 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Toronto Spiritual Centre, ON Mukesh & Harsha Shanghavi [email protected] +1-905-294-4312 Mon - Fri7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Indianapolis, IN Shreyas & Aarti Shah [email protected] +1-317-379-5309 Everyday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Toronto (Mississauga), ON Mahesh & Arti Shanghavi [email protected] +1-905-569-6858 Everyday Anytime Toronto (Mississauga) Harsha Shanghavi [email protected] +1 905 553 8295 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. View All Shibir Videos 8:34:51 Shibir 15 6:44:59 Shibir 14 24:55:17 Shibir 13 (Varsh Poornahuti Mahotsav) 17:54:08 Shibir 12 (Diwali) 7:14:25 Shibir 11 10:02:06 Shibir 10 (Paryushan Mahaparva) View All Related Articles Manifest Spring Within On the occasion of Vasant Panchmi, signifying the advent of spring, Pujya Gurudevshri invites us to manifest springtime… #inspiration#sadguru#spiritual growth The Power of Listening, Contemplating and Med... What is it that takes place when the disciple meets the Master? Why does one often see changes… #aspirant#sadguru#satsang#spiritual growth Creative Charisma Enlightened Masters are abodes where all the divine virtues reside together. Pujya Gurudevshri is one such treasure chest… #pujya gurudevshri#sadguru#satsang#spiritual growth#spirituality Awaken to the Fourth State We lead ordinary lives, not realising the latent divinity within. Passing through the waking, dream and sleep states,… #awakening#awareness#enlightenment#mind#mindfulness#self realisation View All #SadguruWhispers Dharma should touch your whole being, not just your tongue. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates