O Master! I have wandered since eternity. Blinded by delusion, I determined the nature of reality either driven by the…
Articles on Doubts

Despite of the roaring
O Master! Despite of the roaring sea of ego, howling wind of delusion, burning inferno of faults, I continued sleeping…

Patrank – 719
Nadiad, Aso Vad 10, Saturday, 1952 To the seeker of Self-realisation, practising the path of monkhood Shri Lalluji and Shri…

I Put My Mind
O Master! I put my mind at Your Lotus Feet. Do whatever You wish to do with it. It has…

Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – The Journey Within
While treading on the spiritual path, a seeker’s mind may get clouded by doubts and misunderstandings. Pujya Gurudevshri demystifies the…

You came to my doorstep
O Lord! You came to my doorstep and asked in alms, my old and worn out beliefs. You have blessed…
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