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My Divine Teacher

My Divine Teacher

Jignasha Mehta, regional head of Divinetouch Europe and Australia, head of Shrimad Rajchandra Divinetouch, London, and a teacher by profession recounts her journey as a student in the Divine classroom. Experience with her, how the Master has simply and subtly taught her profound lessons of life .

It all started with the first lesson below and what follows is a journey that is full of the most wonderful moments to remember and rejoice. But there have been times that were also dark and because of His love, they passed. In all of the occasions there were lessons for me to learn from as He taught me, a teacher!

Pray and He Will Answer

As He climbed into the car, put on the passenger seatbelt and looked through the windscreen, she began to wave. Like a child she waved at Him, like a child she smiled and did not care who was looking or how she looked. This impulse at that time she could not explain. To her He was unknown, to Him… He alone knows. It was summer 2004, after the last satsang at Kingsbury High School that this momentous occasion occurred and is now etched in the heart of Jignasha Mehta. Previous to this, a year earlier, she had asked Gurudev, “I would like a Guru, how will I find my Guru?” He had replied, “Pray every day to God to show you your Guru.” This she had religiously done, never knowing that He was the one!

The above was my first lesson, to pray and the answer will come.

From this moment onwards, began my journey with the Divine.

Work with Love

I believed I was a good worker, whether it was as a teacher in school or at home as a mother, wife, daughter-in-law and so on. In December 2005, Bapaji asked me to start Magictouch in London. I was apprehensive about this new venture, but thankfully I did not pay much attention to my fears and flowed with an energy that encouraged me to begin. We started with six children and one sevak, Komal Mehta, at home in our living room. As time went by and I taught, worked with other didis and liaised with parents, I realised He was teaching me how to work with love! The techniques adopted by Magictouch were different to my education and training. There was no room for harsh discipline or raised voices in the Magictouch culture. I found these methods most difficult in having to teach my own two children. When they sought more attention than the other children in the class or behaved in a manner I deemed inappropriate, I had to learn to refrain from using ‘my’ methods and replace with responding with love. This lesson was a wonderful tool which I embedded in my job as a school teacher and in other spheres of my life. It is a wonderful challenge to find ways of acting out of love rather than duty.

He is the Doer

Over the years, my seva grew from being the head of Divinetouch, London to being the regional head of Divinetouch, Europe and Australia. The role comprises of working alongside and supporting beautiful sevaks of all programmes in Divinetouch. The capacity to perform seva has increased with the realisation that I am not the doer. When Arhat Touch was launched in 2009, we had to prepare for an inauguration. As the preparations began, it was clear that this was a big event. Dignitaries were to be personally invited. Guest speakers, professional performers and an array of logistics all had to be managed. Along the way many changes came, but to my surprise, I remained calm. I had always feared change. I liked to plan events in detail and liked for them to then stay that way. Bapaji had a different plan. The night before the inauguration I sat with Atmarpit Amitprabhu and the whole order of events was changed. Out of the window went my spreadsheet with the flow of the inauguration celebrations. A new one was drawn up and the team beautifully embraced it. Upon reflection, it was clear that Bapaji’s gift of the study of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita was the key to this success. That year I had spent time in front of Lord Krishna at our local ISKCON temple and churned over Bapaji’s words saying, “You are not the doer, you are a murli in His hands.” This message remained in my heart during the celebrations, which included Samanijis giving blessings in an attendance of over 600 guests and Dignitaries. But most of all it allowed for the words, “I know now that I have chosen the right person for this seva” from Bapaji.

Be Inspired and Enjoy the Glory of those Around You

I adore Bapaji. Bapaji has told us that God is in all of us. This has made me think that I should be able to see good qualities in people around me. In studying the four Bhavnas during Paryushan 2012, there was a wonderful shift. When exercising Pramodbhavna, I learned the focus should be on identifying the good in people. Then, once that is observed, joy should be experienced. This was a journey for me, as I had a tendency to feel that seeing beauty in others meant I was lacking in goodness – which Bapaji explained was a form of negative ego. However, in persisting in this exercise, there was an uplifting feeling of how wonderful it is that this person possesses this quality, I too will pray and work to achieve the same. I enjoy this experiment as it gives a different pair of eyes to look through, not judge and label others, but to observe their beauty and praise them for it.

He is with Me, through Good and Bad

I had told Bapaji in the early days that I had not travelled the world. He said He would take me and He did. Dharmayatras around India, America, Africa and Europe all followed. They were full of amazing moments. In these trips there was not only a discovery of the outer world, but also of the inner world. Through His satsangs, layers of dirt were being uncovered. I was finding a girl who sought attention, whose monkey mind dictated her actions, who found ways to blame others for any misfortune. I also found a girl who experienced darkness. I recall a trip to the USA, Bapaji told me to take along a book called, ‘Come be my Light’ which shared the private writings of Mother Teresa. I could not get hold of a copy of the book and thus did not fulfil His ajna. During the trip I experienced many dark moments. Negative thoughts lingered throughout the trip and I believed I had no control over them, they represented a truth. Upon returning to the UK, I found the book, ironically in our home! Upon reading the first few words in the book, tears welled in my eyes. This amazing, inspiring woman also experienced darkness, but never did she let it win over her. She achieved wonders in spite of this darkness that stayed with her for many years! He was giving me the guidance that would have carried me through this phase, I found it late, but so grateful to have found it. From this I learnt that He will carry me through good and bad, I have to see the hand He is holding out.

Imbibe the Knowledge

Much joy is experienced in listening to satsang. I feel loved, content and excited that His words make sense to me. However, if you asked me a few days later what in satsang was so fulfilling, I could not say. In the UK Dharmayatra of 2010, in a quiz in the Bath retreat, Bapaji asked me a question related to a point in satsang which He had directly told me. I could not answer! He gently and smilingly said that it was no good to listen if you were not going to take the knowledge, especially if it was given directly to you. I did not take the message seriously. It took many ‘no smiles’ from Bapaji to make me realise my lack of samyak shravan. His madhur vani is a fuel for transformation. I am making the effort to pick take home points and practise prayogs so that I am sculpted by His hands.

Become the Faceless Angel

In August 2011, I was invited to the balcony of Bapaji’s room in Dharampur. There, He stated that I had increased my level and He would now call me ‘Mumukshuta’ instead of ‘Jignasha’. At this time nothing really registered. It was after Bapaji shared this new name during a satsang on Shri Vimalnath Bhagwan Stavan that it sunk in. In the same summer, He also gifted me with a statue of an angel. She is so beautiful. When you think of beauty, you immediately think of the face. This angel has no facial features. Her posture, her surrendership symbolises her beauty. This is my goal. I want no personal identity, if I need one then let it be the one He gives me. This life is to remain in His service, to do His darshan, and be worthy to be His angel.

These are some of the lessons I have learnt. Some may mirror your journey and it is reassuring to know we are not alone, we have Bapaji. The blessing of the opportunity to look back and acknowledge His upkar has been an overwhelming and humbling experience – I feel He is Magnificent, He is God, He is beyond words!


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#SadguruWhispers For a devotee, prayer is a way to say 'Arigato' - 'thank you' to God, for everything.