Quotes on Desires


Loving the Guru either leads to the dropping of all desires, or all desires merging into one - the desire for the Guru.

The desire for pleasure makes you dependent. Peace is the result of freedom from desires.

Adversities, unfulfilled desires & lack of comforts are not the causes of misery. But, how you process & respond to situations decides your misery.

Feel the Guru's grace not just in desire fulfilment but in tasting such joy in devotion that desires do not arise.

Who drives your life, you or your desires?

The ocean may get satisfied with the rivers flowing into it, but your desires can never end unless you choose to do so.

A fool wants to fulfill desires, while the wise seeks freedom from desires.

Guru is such a friend who will not support your ego, worldly desires or wrongdoings, yet you can't stop loving & revering Him.

Check your desires, passions and dreams to review your belief of joy and sorrow.

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