Quotes on Kind


The foremost religion of humankind is to be kind and humane.

Why wait for Santa when you can be someone's Santa this Christmas? Spread joy and kindness to all around you!

Kindness is an expression of a happy heart.

Your net worth does not matter, if you wear a million-dollar smile & bear kindness for all beings.

Kindness is perfume of the heart. Keep your heart open to spread its fragrance around.

Meditation and friendliness manifest together. There cannot be depth in meditation without the virtue of kindliness.

Salutations to the Enlightened Master and His works that help kindle the quest for truth latent in you.

The words of the Enlightened One are such that the more you reflect upon them; the more they kindle new feelings and experiences.

Association with the Enlightened Master kindles the desire for spiritual welfare.

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