Quotes on New


This New Year dawns with a new hope of fulfilling your resolutions of going nearer to your pure, peaceful, powerful, blissful nature.

With hearts filled with gratitude, let us bid farewell to the passing year and be ready to welcome the new year with love and hope.

Make life an adventure. The fun lies in the spirit of exploring and experimenting new frontiers.

The words of the Enlightened One are such that the more you reflect upon them; the more they kindle new feelings and experiences.

Today is a new sunrise, why can't you delete the dark memories of the past?

Enough of slipping into the past and future. Now, cultivate a new habit of being in the present.

The Guru's intent in taking a new text, is to raise you from a finite person to the infinite Self.

Do satsang daily. Everyday you get a new tip that deepens your devotion and increases your self - awareness.

This New Year, determine to paint your life with the colours of virtues.

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