Home About Shrimad Rajchandraji Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra The Magnum Opus The crown jewel of Shrimadji’s philosophical literature, Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, is a 142-verse poetic masterpiece. It was composed by Shrimadji in a single sitting of about one and a half hours, when He was merely twenty-eight years old. The treatise is the heart of the path, an encyclopedia of spirituality, and the nucleus of all scriptures. The Six Fundamentals 1 The Soul Exists The soul appears the same as the body due to the illusory identification with the body; but both are distinct like a sword and its sheath. It is of the nature of pure consciousness. 2 The Soul is Eternal Knowledge of the birth and death of the body cannot arise unless the entity experiencing the knowledge is different from the object. Nothing can create or destroy the soul; thus, it is eternal. 3 The Soul is the Doer of Karma If the soul remains conscious of its true self, it acts in tune with its nature; if it does not remain conscious of its true self, it becomes the doer of karma. The body, or lifeless matter, has no capability to acquire karma. The soul is the acquirer of karmic bondage. 4 The Soul is the Bearer of Consequences Poison and nectar have no understanding to affect anyone, but one who consumes them gets affected; similarly, the soul bears the consequences of its meritorious or unmeritorious karma. God does not give the fruits of its actions. 5 The Soul can be Liberated There is freedom from the bondage of karma. With the ultimate dissociation of the soul from the connection with the body, it eternally stays in the liberated state and experiences its own infinite bliss. 6 There is a Path to the Soul’s Liberation The means through which one can realise the pure ever-lasting conscious soul, constitutes the path of liberation. Delusion prevailing from infinity is annihilated with the advent of enlightenment. Recite along Your browser does not support the audio element. Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – The Story of Inception 1. Granting the request of one close to His heart – Pujyashri Saubhagyabhai – Shrimad Rajchandraji penned Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra for the spiritual benefit of the world. Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – The Story of Inception 2. Pujyashri Saubhagyabhai received the letter of The Six Fundamental Truths that Shrimadji had written to Pujyashri Lalluji Muni. Upon reading it, he requested Shrimadji to convert the prose to poetry for easy memorisation. Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – The Story of Inception 3. In V.S. 1952, Shrimadji spent time in seclusion in the jungles of Gujarat, immersed in inner bliss. In Nadiad on Aso Vad 1, Shrimadji returned to where He was staying after dusk and beckoned Pujyashri Ambalalbhai to hold a lantern. Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – The Story of Inception 4. The literary Ganges descended on Earth from the heart of the self-realised Master in an uninterrupted flow. Shrimadji began writing. Articulating His heightened inner consciousness and supreme realisation in poetic prowess, the 142 verses of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra emerged in a single sitting of about one and a half hours. Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – The Story of Inception 5. Testimony to Shrimadji’s exalted state and creative genius, Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is a timeless exposition of the pure nature of the soul, presented in a simple and logical dialogue between the Master and the disciple. Shri Atmasiddhishastra Rachnabhoomi – The Site of Creation Honouring the heritage of the epic composition, under the aegis of Pujya Gurudevshri, a beautiful memorial stands at the sanctified site of the creation of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra in Nadiad, Gujarat. Highlights: The original structure, doors, and wall fittings of the site have been restored to stay true to the era and preserve the vibrations. Recreating the scene of the creation, life-size statues of Shrimad Rajchandraji and Shri Ambalalbhai are placed in the same position while the interiors depict an evening ambience. An array of panels with Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra exquisitely engraved in Shrimad Rajchandraji’s handwriting adds to the beauty. An elegant octagonal Jalmandir adorns the site. In the centre of a serene lake, a majestic five-foot three-inch idol of Shrimad Rajchandraji is seated on a white lotus. A walking path has been designed in a way that one performs circumambulation around the idol. KNOW MORE VIDEO TOUR Atmasiddhi Shastra Six Spiritual Truths of the Soul Atmasiddhi Shastra is a 142-verse masterpiece, composed by 19th century self-realised saint Shrimad Rajchandraji in a single sitting of about 1.5 hours when He was only 28 years old. Quenching the genuine thirst of a seeker, Shrimadji shares six spiritual truths in this clearest, most cogent outline of the path. A brilliant clarification on diverse perspectives, it prompts you to realise who you are, and who you are not. World-renowned spiritual leader Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji reveals the hidden treasures embedded within every verse of Atmasiddhi Shastra. The book is a step-by-step guide to self-realisation written with great compassion and vision by an enlightened Master. An indisputable path to universal truths is presented through an open-hearted dialogue between an experienced Master and an earnest seeker. Buy Now Atmasiddhi Shastra Jnan Yajna Get up close and personal with Atmasiddhiji through the Atmasiddhi Shastra Jnan Yajna by Pujya Gurudevshri, especially in English for beginners. Know more Atmasiddhi Shastra Jnan Yajna 3:29:06 An Introduction to Atmasiddhi Shastra 13:20:20 Section 1 - Introduction 7:47:10 Section 2 - Attributes of a Bigot 7:44:20 Section 3 - Attributes of a True Seeker 1:43:35 Section 4 - Naming of the Six Fundamentals 10:29:13 Section 5 - First Fundamental - Soul exists 9:22:04 Section 6 - Second Fundamental - Soul is eternal 7:30:33 Section 7 - Third Fundamental - Soul is the doer of karma 4:55:13 Section 8 - Fourth Fundamental - Soul is the receiver of the fruits of karma 4:08:11 Section 9 - Fifth Fundamental - There is liberation 21:34:33 Section 10 - Sixth Fundamental - There is a path of liberation 6:41:31 Section 11 - Expression of the Disciple’s Enlightenment 11:45:22 Section 12 - Conclusion View All Related Articles Param Krupalu Dev: As A Literary Genius Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. 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