Advanced Sadhana Bhatti (Meditation Retreat) - Sakshi Dhyan, Dharampur
Wed, 05 Mar - Fri, 07 Mar 2025
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Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Hospital
The 5 S Programme
Through intensive shibirs, Pujya Gurudevshri shows us how to imbibe spirituality into our daily lives and experience pure joy. Numerous people worldwide are benefitting from these workshops, which touch the inner core and unlock the doors to bliss.
Your bliss, peace, & security are independent of external circumstances. Your faith in this is reflected in your inner calm, in all situations.
What are you interested in – ego or peace? Fill your heart with gratitude and push out the ego. Rememberin... #attitude#inspiration
What are you interested in – ego or peace? Fill your heart with gratitude and push out the ego. Rememberin... attitudeinspiration
Transformation is your choice, not your destiny. Practice to see atleast one good thing in every person you meet and see ... #devotion#grace#gratitude#sadguru#surrender
Transformation is your choice, not your destiny. Practice to see atleast one good thing in every person you meet and see ... devotiongracegratitudesadgurusurrender
Reprogram your mind – Acceptance is normal. Expectation is abnormal. Expectations make you a beggar. Your expect... #attitude#inspiration
Reprogram your mind – Acceptance is normal. Expectation is abnormal. Expectations make you a beggar. Your expect... attitudeinspiration
Acceptance of what is happening will make you non-reactive, quiet and peaceful. To live a beautiful life of glad accept... #inspiration#spiritual growth
Acceptance of what is happening will make you non-reactive, quiet and peaceful. To live a beautiful life of glad accept... inspirationspiritual growth
A devotee’s attitude is – every situation is specially hand-picked for my growth. Simplicity and humility are key vir... #devotion#grace#gratitude#sadguru#surrender
A devotee’s attitude is – every situation is specially hand-picked for my growth. Simplicity and humility are key vir... devotiongracegratitudesadgurusurrender
A devotee’s only dharma is to be in a state of gratitude. A devotee’s happiness comes from loving his God. Fo... #devotion#inspiration
A devotee’s only dharma is to be in a state of gratitude. A devotee’s happiness comes from loving his God. Fo... devotioninspiration
Karma decides the outer world. You decide your inner state. Timely equanimity leads to powerful annihilation of karmas. ... #inspiration#jainism#karma#spirituality
Karma decides the outer world. You decide your inner state. Timely equanimity leads to powerful annihilation of karmas. ... inspirationjainismkarmaspirituality
Dharma is incomplete without introspection. Introspection makes your practices focussed. The most important sadhana... #dharma#inspiring#introspection#spiritual growth
Dharma is incomplete without introspection. Introspection makes your practices focussed. The most important sadhana... dharmainspiringintrospectionspiritual growth
The one who is content is ever happy. To be happy, try changing your attitude rather than your surroundings. To stay... #happiness#inspiration
The one who is content is ever happy. To be happy, try changing your attitude rather than your surroundings. To stay... happinessinspiration
Enlightened Ones are great not as they face no adversities in life. Their greatness lies in how they remain calm & loving, co... #enlightened one#enlightened ones#inspiration#sadguru
Enlightened Ones are great not as they face no adversities in life. Their greatness lies in how they remain calm & loving, co... enlightened oneenlightened onesinspirationsadguru
Unless you are pained by your negativities, why or how can you remove them? Beware! Every negative emotion has a price t... #discontentment#inspiration#negativity
Unless you are pained by your negativities, why or how can you remove them? Beware! Every negative emotion has a price t... discontentmentinspirationnegativity
Scriptures can give direction. But for transformation, you must work. Transformation is your choice, not your destiny. ... #inspiration#satsang#spiritual growth#transformation
Scriptures can give direction. But for transformation, you must work. Transformation is your choice, not your destiny. ... inspirationsatsangspiritual growthtransformation
Dharma should touch your whole being, not just your tongue. Dharma is the true wealth of a seeker. Dharma, like wate... #dharma#inspiration
Dharma should touch your whole being, not just your tongue. Dharma is the true wealth of a seeker. Dharma, like wate... dharmainspiration
Meditation is not about controlling your thoughts, but is to stop being controlled by them. Beautify your inner world wit... #inspiration#meditation
Meditation is not about controlling your thoughts, but is to stop being controlled by them. Beautify your inner world wit... inspirationmeditation
Introspect in the floodlight of the scriptures. Read scriptures to study your Self and not the scriptures. Go thro... #inspiration#scripture
Introspect in the floodlight of the scriptures. Read scriptures to study your Self and not the scriptures. Go thro... inspirationscripture
Anger leaves behind remainders to become reminders. Be wise to forgive and let go of the destructive anger. Holding on to ... #anger#inspiration#peace
Anger leaves behind remainders to become reminders. Be wise to forgive and let go of the destructive anger. Holding on to ... angerinspirationpeace
Your identity is judged by the attitude you carry. To change the quality of life, change your attitude, don’t try chang... #attitude#inspiration
Your identity is judged by the attitude you carry. To change the quality of life, change your attitude, don’t try chang... attitudeinspiration
If you want a comfortable journey of life, then reduce the luggage of expectations. Your life has an expiry date. Learn ... #inspiration#positivity
If you want a comfortable journey of life, then reduce the luggage of expectations. Your life has an expiry date. Learn ... inspirationpositivity
Awareness can turn every event into an opportunity. Every moment lived in awareness is a moment truly celebrated. In ... #awareness#inspiration
Awareness can turn every event into an opportunity. Every moment lived in awareness is a moment truly celebrated. In ... awarenessinspiration
Detachment is not freedom from relationships, but freedom in relationships. For a peaceful and loving relationship, reco... #detachment#inspiration#love
Detachment is not freedom from relationships, but freedom in relationships. For a peaceful and loving relationship, reco... detachmentinspirationlove