Life Lessons from Dabbawallas
The Dabbawallas deliver food to over 2,00,000 people daily in Mumbai. Through a symbol based system they have achieved nearly ... cultureefficiencygoalsettingteamworkvalues

Param Krupalu Dev: As a Householder
Param Krupalu Dev's Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth the hidde... detachmentmarriagerelationsresponsibilityshrimad rajchandrajiyugpurush

Param Krupalu Dev: As a Shatavdhani
Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth th... shrimad rajchandrajiyugpurush

Procrastination – A Vicious Thief of Time
Why we procrastinate and how we can make better use of our time Many of us are victims of the habit of dallying about... abilityangeranxietyvictim

Scurry Your Worries
Why we worry and how to begin a stress-free life Worrying has become a regular part of our daily lives. Excessive wor... anxietystressworry

Unlock Your Greatness
Greatness lies dormant within each one of us. Let us bow down to Pujya Gurudevshri's magnificent life which is a breathing example... habitpositivitypurposevaluesvision

Bounce Back From Failures – Republic of Liberia
Every failure is followed by two options – giving up or getting up. Those who succeed eventually are the ones who choose the lat... communicationfailurehelpleadershipownership

Clear Your Mental Desk
To start writing we prefer a fresh page, to start cooking we prefer a clean vessel, to start working we prefer a clean desk. S... comparisongratefulmindmindfulnessthoughts

Cent Per Cent Commitment
The 100-percent commitment rule explains that if you wish to achieve success in any undertaking, you must be 100 percent dedic... claritycommitmentdreamsreality

Lessons from Golf
Sports not only evoke adrenaline rushes but also offer important learnings that help us to tackle situations of daily life. Le... honestlessonresourcesright directionsports

Vaccine for Worries
We all encounter worries in our life. However, constant worrying, negative thinking and always expecting the worst can take a ... beliefhealthypositivityworry

Win the Game of Life – Lessons from Rugby
Sports not only evoke adrenaline rushes but also offer important learnings that help us to tackle situations of daily life. Let us... calmnesschaosobstaclesopportunitiespatience

In Love or Attached?
In life we meet a few people who are special and we land up sharing an amazing bond with them. They give us such a sense of comfor... attachmentegoloveselfless

Discovering the Treasures Within
Influenced by people around we often try to imitate others and ‘create’ talents. For a change, let us discover the vast treasu... beliefdiscoverpassiontalent

After-Work Habits of Highly Successful People
Successful people do several things and they do them differently. It is not all work and no play for them. Here is how successfu... creativityhabitmeditationtimework

Is It Okay to Say ‘Okay’?
Do you feel you are living to your fullest potential or do you believe that your life can be much better than it presently is? Let... attitudechallengescommunicationconfidence

Param Krupalu Dev: As A Spiritual Revolutionary
Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth the hidd... enlightened oneenlightened onessadgurushrimad rajchandraji

Param Krupalu Dev: As A Literary Genius
Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth the hidd... enlightened oneenlightened onessadgurushrimad rajchandraji