Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

Recognise a Saint by His divine virtues, not His name, form, religion or sect, as He has no identification with the body.

Sanyas is to accept the Lord's invitation to go within.

Dispassion is not dry. It is wet with devotion for the divine.

The Guru is a yogi. Seeing Him, you learn to effortlessly balance your soul & the various roles you play in life.

Measure your spiritual growth not by the years of Satsang but by its application and experience.

A spiritual life is like a river that passes through fields of the world with compassion & finally merges into the ocean of divine eternity.

Do not expect quick success. Cultivate positivity to go through the ups and downs of the path.

Mutual love and respect between parents and children help everyone to be responsible and humble.

The Guru, like a divine father, protects you from going into transmigration.

#SadguruWhispers Anything in extreme is fatal for spiritual blossoming.