Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

A running mind cannot capture the truth.

A sign of spiritual progress is less resistance and more glad acceptance of whatever happens.

The verification of your knowledge is your experience, not your words.

Focused on the soul's pure nature, a seeker does not see any situation as favourable or unfavourable.

The enthusiasm of a seeker is such that he wants nothing but to realise the divine Self. He is willing to put in any effort, for any length of time.

In this world, dharma is your true protector, benefactor and friend that will never abandon you in any situation.

Resolve to fully live, at least, one point that has touched you in Satsang.

A life immersed in ignorance, lights up by following the teachings of God and comes to experience oneself as pure consciousness.

A Guru is like the sunrise in a dark, dreary & deluded life. Now, don't go back to sleep.

#SadguruWhispers Provide children with an environment where they can explore and experience the world without likes and dislikes.