Home News Param Krupalu Dev’s Birth Anniversary Celebrations
Param Krupalu Dev's Birth Anniversary Celebrations

Param Krupalu Dev’s Birth Anniversary Celebrations

Today, on Kartik Purnima, seekers celebrated the auspicious birth anniversary of our saviour and Divine Father, Param Krupalu Dev. The evening began with a devotional segment titled ‘Tarta Purush, Param Krupalu Dev’, offering a glimpse into the spiritual grandeur and greatness of Param Krupalu Dev.

Shrimad Rajchandra Gurukul, Dharampur, was declared the winner of the Green Your School competition, organized by IGBC, among 400 participating schools across the country. The students and sevaks humbly offered the award at the Lotus Feet of Param Krupalu Dev. ‘Krupalu Ke Nain’ a set of bhajans venerating Param Krupalu Dev was also launched.

Seekers were awestruck by Param Krupalu Dev’s exalted state as Pujya Gurudevshri unraveled the wisdom of Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanamrut Patrank 411. The Master inspired seekers, explaining that they too can attain Param Krupalu Dev’s detached state, and provided a step-by-step process to achieve this goal.

#SadguruWhispers Guru's purity emits powerful electromagnetic waves. Surrender with love to absorb them and experience an effortless transformation.