Home News Pune Youth Festival 2024
Pune Youth Festival 2024

Pune Youth Festival 2024

The Pune Youth Festival 2024 was a significant extension of the renowned SRMD Global Youth Festival – a movement inspired by Pujya Gurudevshri which has enthused and directed over 3,000 youngsters from 20 countries across the globe including USA, UK, UAE, Singapore and Kenya.

A Memorable Morning

The morning unfolded with the arrival of Atmarpit Nemiji, Personal Secretary to Pujya Gurudevshri and Vice President of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur, who was welcomed with a thunderous applause. The atmosphere buzzed with energy as vibrant dances, fluttering flags, dynamic music and bursts of confetti electrified the air.

With the grace of Param Krupalu Dev and the blessings of Pujya Gurudevshri, Atmarpit Nemiji inaugurated the Youth Festival. His stirring Wisdom Masterclass – Crafting Your Life by Lessons from the Game of Chess – resonated acutely, offering important learnings drawn from the intricate strategies of chess. The sponsors of the event were lovingly felicitated by Atmarpit Nemiji at the end of the session.

An Astounding Afternoon

  • Success World Tour – An Interactive Exhibit based on Pujya Gurudevshri’s Wisdom

    The Success World Tour featured a pulsating nine-station exhibit on the ‘DNA of Success,’ where participants explored virtues like Responsibility, Authenticity, Clarity, Strategy, Action, Communication, Self-mastery, Focus and Legacy. The exhibit also offered a virtual darshan of Shri Dharampur Tirth. A Raj Uphaar stall, from the Women Empowerment initiative, provided a blend of diverse experiences.

  • The Panel Symposium – From Inner Strength to Outer Success

    This activity featured Dr Alok Shah conducting a panel discussion on the subject, with Atmarpit Vidhiji and esteemed leaders including Founder and CEO of Sensing Self PET Ltd and Swipe India, Shripal Gandhi; Managing Director of Peppermint Clothing Private Ltd, Santosh Kataria and Managing Director of Sahyadri Industries Ltd, Satyen Patel exchanging views.

  • Experience Workshop – Overcoming Anxiety through a Dynamic War Cry

    Through an intense activity, Atmarpit Kinjalji focused on empowering participants to face and rise above their fears, providing a practical experience for conquering anxiety.

  • Soles for Souls

    With this unique initiative over 1,000 footwear pairs were made by the youth for the needy, instilling in them the qualities of selflessness and compassion.

  • Green Grenades

    Honouring Pujya Gurudevshri’s date and month of birth, this activity produced 2,609 seed bombs; demonstrating a strong commitment to environmental restoration.

  • Sports Tournament

    Lively sports activities were organised, including cricket, football and swimming. Atmarpit Nemiji attended the matches, offering support to the participants.

An Entrancing Evening

The evening reached its zenith with the majestic arrival of Pujya Gurudevshri at the venue. His revered presence elevated the event to sublime heights. The Master gave a deeply motivating discourse on the ‘Goal of all Goals’. With eloquence, Pujya Gurudevshri delved into the essence of true fulfilment, guiding the audience to reflect on their own paths and the higher aspirations that give life meaning. 70 blind children from Shlok Mahadik school shared that they learnt why and how they needed to change their lives from the discourse.

Winners of the sports tournaments were blessed to receive trophies from the Master. Pujya Gurudevshri also presented a token of love, in the form of first box of seed bombs and handcrafted footwear, to Rupesh Garade, Social Worker, Dhamane village.

The evening culminated with the beautiful melodies of Malang – The Band. The Live performance charged the youth and connected them to the Master. Pujya Gurudevshri presented a token of love to lead singer Zeeshan and the band, concluding a day of celebration and memorable moments.

In the worldly ocean, Your words ignite,
A guiding beacon in the darkest night.
Pujya Gurudevshri, Your teachings shine,
Forever indebted, Your Pune Youth align!

#SadguruWhispers Do you truly want to be free from all bondage, or only from the undesirable ones?