Articles on Ego

Freedom From The Ego

Pujya Gurudevshri vividly gives specific characteristics of ego to help you spot it in you and enthusiastically march forward towards…

Wallowing In Ego

O Master! Wallowing in ego, I have always disregarded You. I scattered my love in the world and simply squandered…

Guru or Ego?

Pujya Gurudevshri dispels the argument put forth by the egoistic mind for not surrendering to the Guru. Earnest yearning is…

Categories of Yogasana

In the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, Yogasana is defined as ‘sthiram sukham asanam’. This is a state where one is…

4 ways to deal with your ego

What are you interested in – ego or peace? Fill your heart with gratitude and push out the ego. Remembering…

Please Separate this Ego from Me

O Lord! Please separate this ego from me. I find it difficult to live with it. It’s a hindrance to…

Love that Liberates

Love is such an energy that if it falls, it is hell and if it rises, it is liberation. Pujya…

True Love

Even though you are surrounded by things you covet and people you love, Pujyashri Gurudev explains that such love is…

Sadguru and the Principle of Synchronicity

Only the one who is awake himself can awaken another from deep slumber – the Sadguru who revels in inner…

My Soul Is Suffering

O Master! My soul is suffering from the poison of worldliness. In this world, everything is transient and ephemeral. Wealth,…


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