It is Enough For O Master! It is enough for me to have You in my life. O Lord! I need nothing more than You. While every moment of this life is passing ceaselessly, may You be the guide and caretaker of these moments. May every moment be lived to fulfil Your will. May each moment be spent in singing Your glory. Wherever I go, may there be just Your name. May there be just Your work. May my path be You. May my goal be You. May You be the propeller of all my dreams and may You be their fulfiller too. By being in my life, You have favoured me Infinitely. O King of Kings! May You be seated in my heart and reign over me forever. Om Peace Peace Peace Topicsdreamguidegurudevprayer Quotes See how the Wise Ones think, talk and walk. Observe and learn the art of living from them. For a devotee, his Guru is never a figure of the past but a living presence, throbbing before him. A true devotee yearns for God alone, not for worldly pursuits or rituals. Welcome God into your life as joy in your heart, peace in your mind, sweetness in your tongue, warmth in your relations & purity in your conduct. View All #SadguruWhispers A true devotee yearns for God alone, not for worldly pursuits or rituals. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates