You Seem So Far O Lord! You seem so far. Like sky you seem unfathomable, yet I know that one- day, I will surely fathom You. I have faith that I will reach You for Your love shall draw me close to You. By drinking the nectar of tears that spontaneously flow from my eyes when I think of You, by walking on the bridge of Your memory, I will reach You. To reach You means to stay strongly connected with You. And so, day and night, this alone is my quest. This alone is what I repeatedly chant. This alone is my austerity. I love You… endlessly. I long for You… ceaselessly. Certainly, we will meet and become one. Your grace will surely guide me to our divine communion. Like the fish in the ocean, I do not wish to stay separate from You. But, like the river in the ocean, I yearn to merge in You. O my Divine Beloved! I yearn to dissolve in Your infinite Existence. Om Peace Peace Peace Topicsdivinefaithgraceloveprayer Quotes In spirituality, 'why' is more important than âhowâ. A clear purpose brings passion and sets priorities in life. Lapses in spiritual practices indicate that your spiritual welfare is not a priority. Sensitivity and softness towards others are the virtues of the wise ones. The Mission will continue to grow. How about you? View All #SadguruWhispers Sensitivity and softness towards others are the virtues of the wise ones. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates