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Yoga For Flexibility

The human body is a dynamic framework of many complex systems. Any imbalance within this can lead to certain physical and physiological problems. Let us understand some of these commonly prevalent issues and take necessary steps to rectify them.

We often hear people say that there is no way they can practice yoga and that they can’t even touch their toes. However, Yoga is not merely about being physically flexible but also about learning how to keep your mind clear and open while skilfully moving the body through its appropriate range of motion.

There are various factors that contribute to your personal range of motion like genetics, weather changes, age, gender and even your mental state. Yogasana has the ability to help you out when your range of motion becomes limited. By practicing certain asanas regularly and sincerely and holding each asana for an extended period, you will see how much more open and free you will feel! You will be more comfortable and happier within your own body and will be able to sleep better as well.

Special Flexibility Flow

Prasarita Padottanasana ‘Swing’
(Wide-Legged Forward Bend Flow)

This flow will help you to stretch the hamstrings without giving any strain to the back. Being close to the ground is not of utmost importance, however, stabilizing your legs and your spine while bending is. Remember yogasanas are stable and comfortable postures, so do not force yourself and perform only as much as you can.

  • Spread your legs 4-5 feet apart, keeping them parallel to each other.
  • Inhale and raise your arms.
  • Exhale and bend from your waist while keeping your spine straight. Place your hands in the same line as your feet. Hold this position for 8-10 breaths.
  • As you breathe normally, lift your palms from the floor and grab your ankles. Hold this position for 8-10 breaths.
  • While remaining bent at the waist, interlock your fingers behind your back, keeping your hands as far away from the body as possible.
  • Inhale and lift up your torso, bringing your interlocked hands down as the body comes up.
  • Exhale and bend from the waist again, raising your arms as the body comes down.
  • Repeat this swing 10-12 times.
  • Inhale and raise your torso back up.
  • Release the arms and bring the feet back together.

Asanas Baddha Konasana (The Butterfly Pose)

Practicing this asana not only improves flexibility in the groin and hip regions but also gives a good stretch to the inner thighs and knees.

  • Sit on the floor with your spine erect.
  • Bend your knees and bring your feet as close to the groin as possible.
  • Touch the soles of your feet to one another. Hold your feet tightly with your hands.
  • Inhale deeply. While exhaling, press the thighs and knees down towards the floor.
  • As you breathe normally, start to flap your legs like a butterfly by gently bringing the thighs up and down.Continue this for 30 seconds.
  • Exhale and release the pose.

Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose)

This back bend is extremely beneficial for energizing the body in order to strengthen all the muscles in the back. It also aids in improving our posture as it works on the upper back muscle

  • Lie down on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by the side of your body.
  • Bend your knees and hold your ankles while taking your hands backward.
  • Inhale and lift your chest off the ground by pulling your legs up and back.
  • Hold this position for 8-10 breaths.
  • Exhale and release the pose by gently bringing your legs and chest back to the ground.

In addition to these techniques, the following lifestyle tips will help you to increase your flexibility:”

  • Warm up before and after working out.
  • Try a massage to help alleviate stiffness.
  • Give your body time to relax.
  • Breathe deeply throughout the day. Focus on your breathing patterns.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Be patient. You will observe the results with time as you keep practicing daily and sincerely.

Try out these yogic techniques for flexibility and experience lightness in your body and mind!

-Dr John Mobley, Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance


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