Quotes on Change


Transformation comes from a change in attitude, not in activity.

Choose your thoughts responsibly. Repeated thoughts turn into feelings & are then difficult to change.

The purpose of life is to realise the changeless amid the changes.

You are not that what comes and goes. You are the knower of all the changes. Awaken to your unchanging pure nature.

Dharma changes the quality of life. So, it is not an option but an absolute necessity.

Be in the witnessing mode and experience the joy of being in the world yet unaffected by its changes.

To make the journey of inwardness easy, change your beliefs about happiness through Satsang.

For a stress-free life, changing your place, work or diet is not enough; you need to change your beliefs.

People will not change. You learn the art of letting go, to stay stable and peaceful.

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