Quotes on Love


The address of pure love is the Guru.

An unparalleled love for the Guru is when He appears the cutest, that is, everything else appears insignificant.

Be a giver of love, not a beggar of love.

When you are secure in God's love, when you trust His love, you want to love everyone!

Guru is like the onset of spring in a devotee's heart, filling his life with colours of joy & hope and the fragrance of love & service.

A progressing nation marches forward to achieve the common goal of outer and inner prosperity through love and respect for one another.

With hearts filled with gratitude, let us bid farewell to the passing year and be ready to welcome the new year with love and hope.

Break the walls of bitterness and unveil the gift of love within you.

Meditativeness carries a fragrance of peace, joy, love and fearlessness.

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