Quotes on World


Recognise yourself as the untouched knower of changes in the world, body and mind, like a screen that remains unaffected by the film.

You are the abode of peace and bliss. Unaware of this, you beg for them from the world.

Provide children with an environment where they can explore and experience the world without likes and dislikes.

The Enlightened One is desireless, fearless and has no worry or resistance as He is a witness to the drama of the world.

In this world, dharma is your true protector, benefactor and friend that will never abandon you in any situation.

Doubtless knowledge that 'I am pure consciousness. I neither benefit nor suffer loss from the world' - removes desire & fear of the world.

The Enlightened One lives in a witness mode - although present in the world, He is not a participant.

All flavours of the material world are pale in comparison to the nectar of spiritual joy. Experiment to experience it.

Show the world that you have a Guru in life by being calm and cheerful in every situation.

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