I Have Wandered Since O Master! I have wandered since eternity. Blinded by delusion, I determined the nature of reality either driven by the majority or by the convincing arguments of the atheists. Even when the Wise Ones tried to wake me up from my slumber, I avoided pursuing the path due to fear of what people would say, or remained trapped in my doubts. Even though I was being in the company of the good, because I did not avoid being in wrong associations, the company of the good bore no fruits. I did not realise that the honour and the dishonour of the deluded carry no value. For, nothing of this world can pass through the gates of death. Little did I know that only the love and blessings of the Wise could protect me beyond death. O my Gracious God! Now, I am in love with You. Your love shall surely remove my doubts and confusion. Your magnanimity will dissolve my pettiness. Your instructions will bring an end to my sorrows. O Ocean of Kindness! You have graciously given me this opportunity to fulfil this human birth. You have shown me the glimpses of divinity that has created a deep yearning for its experience. May I leap at the chance and gain Your blessings. Om Peace Peace Peace Topicsconfusiondivinitydoubtseternityprayer Quotes Learn to count your blessings every night, so you can begin your mornings with an attitude of gratitude. Clarity of goal brings determination and speed. Why wait for Santa when you can be someone's Santa this Christmas? Spread joy and kindness to all around you! Donât miss the small joys in life. View All #SadguruWhispers Why wait for Santa when you can be someone's Santa this Christmas? Spread joy and kindness to all around you! Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates