Home News Rural Youth get Employment at Leading Jewellery Companies

Rural Youth get Employment at Leading Jewellery Companies

A new first-of-its-kind Jewellery Designing (CAD) course for rural youth was launched a few months ago at Shrimad Rajchandra Skill Development Centre. Recently, an industrial visit to Mumbai was organised along with the convocation ceremony for the first batch. Students visited leading jewellery manufacturing companies where they learnt how the entire jewellery designing process takes place, how it synergises with the manufacturing activity and how the lab testing department works. Moreover, they had the opportunity to interact with various management-level professionals. Thoroughly impressed with the creativity, skill and knowledge of the students, all the candidates received employment offers and have secured themselves a job! This being the first passing batch of the new course, the convocation ceremony was held in association with the Gem & Jewellery Skill Council of India.

It was a great learning experience for the boys and girls who come from rural areas of Gujarat, and are now working in the metropolis of Mumbai!

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