Articles on Dream

What is Paryushan?

Paryushan Parva (also known as Paryushan Mahaparva) offers an opportunity to consciously reduce worldly activities and create a conducive state…

Guru – The Alchemist

Pujyashri Gurudev beautifully brings out the many ways in which the Guru transforms the disciple. Commemorating the occasion of Gurupurnima,…

An Enlightened Existence

On the auspicious occasion of Kartik Purnima, Param Krupalu Dev Shrimad Rajchandraji’s Birth Anniversary Pujyashri Gurudev pays tribute to Him,…

Being Mindfully Present

Have you ever been hit with the realisation that, though you were carrying on an activity like eating or walking,…

It is Enough For

O Master! It is enough for me to have You in my life. O Lord! I need nothing more than…

Count Your Blessings

Let us express our gratitude at His Lotus Feet for all the wonderful blessings that He has showered upon us.…


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