Articles on Renunciation

Bhagwan Mahavir’s Renunciation

Renunciation is oft condemned as escapism or neglecting one’s duties. Pujyashri Gurudev opens our eyes to a new perspective on…

The Joy of Renunciation

Do you think of renunciation as painful abandonment? Or does a life of renunciation enthral you as an honourable one?…

Renunciation and Divine Love

Pujya Gurudevshri explains the vital role of the love for God in the process of renunciation and how renunciation is…

Param Krupalu Dev: As a Householder

Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth…

Freedom From The Ego

Pujya Gurudevshri vividly gives specific characteristics of ego to help you spot it in you and enthusiastically march forward towards…

True Prosperity

Pujya Gurudevshri explains that the secret to prosperity is to explore one’s own Self to uncover the treasure trove of…

Cruising in His Shelter

Pujya Gurudevshri, like an expert sculptor, chisels seekers to enhance their virtues and chip away their flaws. Atmarpit Pratikbhai relives…

Updeshchhaya – 13

Bhagwan Mahavirswami, even in the state of a householder, lived like a renunciate. His dispassion was such that it could…

The Melody of Sanyas

Renunciation is highly esteemed in Indian culture. However, in present times the meaning of Sanyas has reduced to mere external…


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