What would a Jnani do? Jnanis like Param Krupalu Dev are living embodiments of the scriptures. Here is a simple tool to help you align your thoughts and actions with that of a Jnani Everyday, we are confronted with situations that require us to respond to them. Sometimes we find ourselves at a loss, unsure of what the best response would be. The life and teachings of a Jnani – an Enlightened One provide us with the lessons needed to sail through these situations. Try the following steps the next time you find yourself in such a situation: Step 1 Visualise your beloved Jnani in front of you. Step 2 Look deeply into His eyes and request His assistance in your time of need. Ask Him: ‘Oh Master, what would You do?’ Step 3 Pause, visualise how He would think, how He would respond. Let your connection to Him be your guide. Let the right response come naturally through the connection. Step 4 Respond in a way that your Guide would be proud of you. Step 5 Offer gratitude at His Lotus Feet for always being there for you. Strive to become an image of your beloved Jnani through the repeated use of this technique. Topicsenlightmentmeditationsadgurusurrender Quotes Falling is not a crime. But refusing to get up is surely a crime. Your bliss, peace, & security are independent of external circumstances. Your faith in this is reflected in your inner calm, in all situations. In spirituality, 'why' is more important than âhowâ. A clear purpose brings passion and sets priorities in life. Lapses in spiritual practices indicate that your spiritual welfare is not a priority. View All #SadguruWhispers In spirituality, 'why' is more important than âhowâ. A clear purpose brings passion and sets priorities in life. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates