Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

Sensitivity and softness towards others are the virtues of the wise ones.

The Mission will continue to grow. How about you?

Gratitude and reverence for the Guru means being more alert in living the wisdom imparted by the Guru.

Make the journey of your life peaceful and joyous; travel light. Carry no baggage from the past.

Recognise yourself as the untouched knower of changes in the world, body and mind, like a screen that remains unaffected by the film.

The root of all blunders is forgetting one’s true nature.

A mature mind profits spiritually even in adversity.

Do not be insistent. Keep an open mind and be all-inclusive, respecting and accepting others' opinions.

Do you focus on inner purity, or merely keep a count of the hours spent on practices?

#SadguruWhispers You are in prison if you cannot let go of your past. You are free if you unhook from it.