Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

The address of pure love is the Guru.

An unparalleled love for the Guru is when He appears the cutest, that is, everything else appears insignificant.

Be a giver of love, not a beggar of love.

Loving the Guru either leads to the dropping of all desires, or all desires merging into one - the desire for the Guru.

When you are secure in God's love, when you trust His love, you want to love everyone!

With a strong and clear purpose, design and decorate your life.

When you listen to Satsang, connect it with yourself, feel it and experience it.

Be like a rose. Although surrounded by thorns, it offers colour, fragrance and softness to bring a smile to every face.

To become a spiritual champion, cultivate the temperament, master the technique & get trained under an expert coach - the Guru.

#SadguruWhispers Do not be insistent. Keep an open mind and be all-inclusive, respecting and accepting others' opinions.