Home Spiritual Activities Rajgita Jnan Yajna 2021

Rajgita Jnan Yajna 2021

Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra for Beginners

125 years ago, the world witnessed a spiritual renaissance. Amid the rigidity of religious practice and dry knowledge, the limitless compassion of Shrimad Rajchandraji rekindled the blazing flame of spirituality. Inviting humanity to experience the bliss of the Self, He penned the poetic masterpiece Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra in V.S. 1952 on the sacred day of Aso Vad Ekam, in Nadiad (Gujarat, India). The essence of all scriptures packed in 142 verses, presented as a simple and logical dialogue between the Master and disciple.

Jnan Yajna refers to the symbolic sacrifice of one’s ignorance in the fire of the Guru’s spiritual knowledge, to evolve and realise the True Self.

Location: Online
Duration: 9 months (Jan – Sep 2021)
9 Illuminating Jnan Yajnas
9 Sessions Every Month
Language: English
Ideal for: Beginners


Month Verses Title
January 1-23 Introduction
February 24-33 Attributes of the Bigot
34-42 Attributes of the Seeker of Self-realisation
March 43-44 Naming of the Six Fundamentals
45-58 First Fundamental – Soul Exists
April 59-70 Second Fundamental – Soul is Eternal
71-78 Third Fundamental – Soul is the Doer
May 79-86 Fourth Fundamental – Soul is the Receiver
87-91 Fifth Fundamental – There is Liberation
June 92-118 Sixth Fundamental – There is a Path to Liberation
July – August 119-127 Expression of the Disciple’s Enlightenment
October 128-142 Conclusion

Recite along

Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra

Commemorating 125 Glorious Years

With immense reverence and devotion, Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur is commemorating the 125th year of Shrimadji’s magnum opus, Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra. Please click below to know more about the yearlong festivities to honour this epic granth.


Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra Vivechan

A Profound Commentary by Pujya Gurudevshri

Pujya Gurudevshri was conferred the Ph.D. degree for His extensive research treatise on Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra. The heartfelt and scholarly commentary of more than 3000 pages was later released as a four-volume text. It unravels the profundity embedded in the 142 couplets, along with its creation, impact and evaluation from literary and spiritual perspectives.

Not just an exposition, the commentary reflects the deep devotion of Pujya Gurudevshri and serves as an enduring source of inspiration for aspirants.

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