Face Your Enemy Face your enemy with the tool of detached observation and see the challenger leave. A sure-cure practice for a calm, content and competent mind Step 1What Takes up Your Energy It can be very easy to discover what your chief attribute is: Just watch your mind for some days – and see what takes up most of your energy, your time and daydreams. You could keep a journal and note things down. Is it jealousy? Desire for money? Ego? Anxiety for the future? That is your number one enemy. Different people will uncover different things; hatred, anger or even repressed sexuality – anything. Discovering what it is, is almost half the battle won. And only you can find out, for yourself. Step 2Don’t React when Enemy Attacks Now, be completely aware of this. When the enemy attacks, don’t respond. Remain calm and collected. Watch it as if something is passing on the screen. If you stay detached, all of a sudden a huge energy will be liberated that was controlled by your enemy. You will feel charged, revitalised: your whole being suddenly turns anew. Step 3Look Out for Other Enemies Repeat the above steps. Start looking for enemy number two and three. The day you don’t have any enemy within – you have the grace, strength and splendour that blossoms in a thousand flowers. Topicscalmnessfreedommindnegativityobserveweakness Quotes The Guru's teachings ignite the fire of knowledge within you that burns away all your negativities and illusions. For a devotee, all places of pilgrimage are at the lotus feet of his Guru alone. Focus on the peace centre within and stay connected to it. Guru's purity emits powerful electromagnetic waves. Surrender with love to absorb them and experience an effortless transformation. View All #SadguruWhispers Focus on the peace centre within and stay connected to it. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates