You Seem So Far O Lord! You seem so far. Like sky you seem unfathomable, yet I know that one- day, I will surely fathom You. I have faith that I will reach You for Your love shall draw me close to You. By drinking the nectar of tears that spontaneously flow from my eyes when I think of You, by walking on the bridge of Your memory, I will reach You. To reach You means to stay strongly connected with You. And so, day and night, this alone is my quest. This alone is what I repeatedly chant. This alone is my austerity. I love You… endlessly. I long for You… ceaselessly. Certainly, we will meet and become one. Your grace will surely guide me to our divine communion. Like the fish in the ocean, I do not wish to stay separate from You. But, like the river in the ocean, I yearn to merge in You. O my Divine Beloved! I yearn to dissolve in Your infinite Existence. Om Peace Peace Peace Topicsdivinefaithgraceloveprayer Quotes Realise that your judgements, prejudices, biases and branding of others are your mood spoilers. The foremost religion of humankind is to be kind and humane. Work on your intellect using the wisdom received in satsang so that you are able to evaluate situations correctly and eliminate suffering. Like Lord Krishna was to Arjun, a navigating Guru is enough to make you win the war against delusion. View All #SadguruWhispers Work on your intellect using the wisdom received in satsang so that you are able to evaluate situations correctly and eliminate suffering. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates